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USMRC Scoring for Friday October 14, 2011

The results below are unofficial transcriptions of the official results posted on Regatta Network.  To see the official results, click here. 

A second day of challenging conditions.  Winds started out quite nicely however after just a few flights, fog rolled in and shut down racing. Visibility was reduced to 200 yards, making it impossible for the sailors to see the mark they were sailing, etc.  The fog eventually lifted enough to allow a reasonable length course (about 0.2nm) with visibility from the start line to the windward mark about 50% of the time.  Flight 7 (of the 11 in Stage 1) were completed.

Normally a 12 team round robin is completed in 2 days.  With this stage going into it's third day, the pressure is on the competitors to do well as there is no certainty as to how far thru the originally planned stages this event will get - making these early races more valuable to the final outcomes.

Taylor Canfield and his teammates Tod Reynolds, Stephanie Roble and Jennifer Wilson are leading with a perfect score of 7.

The pressure is on the race committee to deliver the wind.  To help, the racing schedule for the rest of the regatta has been advanced by 30 minutes - First Attention will be made at 11:00am instead instead of 11:30.  Historically, winds in the Newport Beach area don't get going until late morning so everyone is crossing their fingers that the weather will return to something more normal than the extreme heat and lack of wind to the reasonable wind but no visibility of today.