National Sponsors

Rolex logo super smallOld PulteneyGillHobie Polarized

Google Map of USMRC places

The Google Map on the front page of this blog now contains places of interest - such as the local retail, banking, and medical resources listed elsewhere on this blog.  To see the full map, either click on this link or click on the link below the map titled "2011 USMRC Places"


Welcome to the 2011 US Match Racing Championships (USMRC) blog.

This site is Balboa Yacht Club's primary point of communications for this event.

To your left you'll find a growing list of links and documents to help you in your planning for attending or following this event.  During the event, daily reports on the regatta's progress will be posted here.


John Papadopoulos
Regatta Chair - 2011 USMRC